Python-On-Lisp: unleashing Python libraries in Common Lisp

Last updated November 24, 2006, created 2nd February 2006


Every so often a newbie Lisper pops up on comp.lang.lisp and says "I want to make a web application. Python is really easy to get up and running but Lisp is much harder". Sometimes they get called a troll, but some people will also say they have a valid point.

Python was originally defined to be easily embedded, so you can link it into a C/C++ program as a dynamically linked library (DLL). Lisp's common foreign function interface (CFFI) lets you call into linked libraries from lisp. Python-on-lisp puts these two pieces together, so that you can call python from lisp. This is a two way bridge, so python can return its results back to lisp. Crucially, this makes python's rather extensive libraries available from within common lisp.


You can get pythononlisp-0.2.tar.gz, an ASDF-installable tarball.

This is an Alpha release, I cannot be held responsible for any damage or loss that occurs from running this Lisp program. Always start a new Lisp session in case Lisp crashes, and make a backup of any important files in the directory it resides in.


To use python-on-lisp, you need: This package has been tested successfully on the following CL implementations, among others:
  1. WinXP: Clisp 2.37, Allegro 7.0, Lispworks 4.4
  2. WinXP, Gentoo Linux: SBCL 0.9.12, 0.9.13, acl80
  3. OSX: SBCL 0.9.18 (fink), Python2.5 (fink)

Getting Started

Python-on-lisp is defined to use the asdf-install system, making installation fairly automatic. More details are contained in the documentation and source code of the download bundle. But quick instructions are as follows:

How it works

For efficiency, python-on-lisp also lets you define virtual modules, which Python code can call back to as if they were Python functions, which means the time taken to call the Lisp is as long as it takes to unwrap a pointer and run the actual code. For convenience, but with a slight loss of efficiency, python-on-lisp can redirect the Python output (errors, printed text, etc) to a Lisp string, and Python programs can eval Lisp code, which is a more flexible, but slower, kind of callback.

You could call the project PyEval, like Lisp's eval function.

Python-On-Lisp will look for the DLL or object code file for Python in the default location for your platform. On Windows and OSX this should just work, as well as on Debian Linux. However, if you have installed it in an unusual place, or are using an unusual platform, you may need to specify this information yourself by amending the call to (CFFI:DEFINE-FOREIGN-LIBRARY python-library ...) in pythonlisp.lisp

For further instructions, consult the documentation in the package itself.

Known Bugs and Tips

For more known bugs, see pol.lisp (below).

I'm hoping to get CVS up and running so all changes are logged, etc.

Mailing Lists


You can browse our SVN repository or download the current development tree via anonymous svn, as described here


The lead developer on this project is Jeremy Smith, who has received some help from Alexis Gallagher with making the package asdf-installable and compatible across platforms.
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